
Untangling Tech

Untangling Tech

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Two-Step Your Way to Account Safety

The thought of using two steps to get into an online account can be daunting.

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We all have enough trouble remembering our passwords. Adding another “step” can seem a bit much. But with today’s hacking and password issues, it’s important to weigh which accounts you should use two-step for to keep sensitive data such as bank accounts safe. With two-step authentication, even someone who knows your password is prevented from signing into your account because a code that you receive on your device, like your smart phone, is required to complete login. Without that code, the person with your password cannot gain access. 

While there are lots of options to keep your accounts safe, if you are still just using a password, you should adopt two-factor authentication. Once you master using it on important accounts, you can take other steps to keep your accounts even more secure. 

Today, let’s pick one account and give it a try. If your bank accounts offer two-factor authentication, that’s a wise place to start. 

Two things before we begin:

  1. If you bank online, log in to your bank with your login and password. Look for words like “Account” or “Settings” or “Security.” If you can’t find any of these, call your bank and ask them if they offer two-step authentication. If so, ask them where it is located on your online account. 

  2. If you aren’t texting on your smart phone, start. That’s the way you’ll receive the two-step code. If you need help with texting, ask a friend or family member, or give us a call.

Now let’s try the two-step process.

  • Go to your bank website using your favorite web browser: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge.

  • Login with your user name (often it’s just your email address) and your password. Sign On.

  • On the next screen it may ask you to confirm your phone number. Check to make sure it’s your phone or the last 4-digits of your phone number. Click to get a code.

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  • A code will automatically be texted to your smart phone. It’s important to open the text message to see the code within.

  • Go back to the web browser on your computer. Type in the code texted to you.

  • Submit or Sign in to your account.

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It may take a couple of tries to get it right. Practice makes perfect. You will get good at this. Once you’ve figured out how to make it work on one account, try setting up two-step on another account. You’ll eventually have your important accounts more secure.

Questions about two-step or anything else? Give us a call at 404-935-9614 or email